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Ichi - One
Ni - Two
San - Three
Shi - Four
Go - Five

Roku - Six
Shichi - Seven
Hachi - Eight
Ku - Nine
Ju - Ten

Key Terminology

Aite - Opponent
Anatoshi - Trapping
Ashiko - Foot Band
Ate - Strike
Bajutsu - Horsemanship
Barai - Sweep
Bisento - Battlefield Halbred
Bojutsu - Stick Fighting
Bo Ryaku - Stratergy
Boshi Ken - Thumb Strike
Budo - Martial Way
Budoka - Student of the martial way
Bugie - Martial arts
Bujin - Warrior spirit
Bujutsu - Martial arts techniques
Bushi - Warrior
Bushido - Way of the warrior
Chi - Earth
Chi Mon - Geography
Cho Ho - Espionage
Chu - Middle
Chunin - Mid level Ninja agent
Daisho - Pair of swords
Daito - Large Sword
Dakenjutsu - Striking, Kicking, Blocking
Do - Way
Dojo - Training hall
Doko - Angry Tiger
Dori - To sieze or capture
Empi - Elbow strike
Fu - Wind
Fudo Ken - Clench Fist (also known as Immovable fist)
Fudoshin - Immovable spirit
Fudoza - Immovable seat
Fukiya - Blowgun
Futari dori - Held by two opponents
Gaeshi - Counter-attack
Gake - Hook
Ganseki Nage - Throwing the big rock
Garami - Entangle
Gawa - Side
Gedan Uke - Low Block
Genin - Low level Ninja agent
Genjutsu - Art of illusion
Geri - Kick
Gi - Martial arts uniform
Godai - Five elements
Gokui - Secret
Gotono - Using natural elements for evasion
Gyaku - Reverse
Hai - Yes
Haibu Yori - From behind
Hajime - Begining
Hajutsu - Escaping techniques
Han - Half
Hanbo - 3' Staff
Hanbojutsu - Stick fighting
Happa Ken - One handed strike
Hasso - Attack
Heiho - Combat Stratergy
Henka - Variation
Hensojutsu - Disguise and Impersonation arts
Hicho - Flying bird
Hidari - Left
Hiji - Elbow
Hiki - Pull
Hishi - Caltrops made from dried water chestnuts
Hodoki - Escape
Hojo - Bind, Tie up
Hojutsu - Firearms Arts
Iai - Sword drawing
Igadama - Caltrops made of spiked iron
Inpo - Hiding
Intonjutsu - Escape and Concealment
Iri - Enter
Itami - Pain
Jo - 4' Staff
Jodan Uke - High Block
Junan Taiso - Body conditioning
Jutaijutsu - Grappling
Jutsu - Techniques
Ka - Fire
Kaeshi - Counter attack
Kagi - Hook
Kaiten - Rolling
Kaiten Ken - Open hand
Kakusi Geri - Hidden Kick
Kamae - Stance
Kamiza - Shrine
Kata - Set of movements
Kantana - Sword
Katate - One hand
Kayakujutsu - Fire and Explosives Arts
Kenjutsu - Sword fighting
Keppan - Blood oath
Keri - Kick
Ki - Spirit
Kiai - Focused shout
Kikaku Ken - Head Strike
Kinhon - Basic
Kikaku Ken - Demon horns fist
Kiriage - Upwards Cut
Kiten Ken - Sword hand strike
Ko Ashi - Small steps
Kodachi - Small Sword
Kogoroshi - Finger breaking
Koho - Back
Koho Geri - Backwards Kick
Koho Kaiten - Backwards Roll
Koku - Tiger Sky
Kokyu Breath
Koppo Ken - Thumb knuckle strike
Koppojutsu - Bone Smashing Techniques
Koryu - Traditional
Koshijutsu - Organ and Muscle Striking
Kote - Wrist
Ku - Void
Kudaki - Break or Smash
Kuden - Oral Techings
Kuji - Nine Syllables
Kuji in - Hand Posturing
Kuji-Kiri - Protective grid slashing
Kumiuchi - Grappling and close fighting
Kumitachi - Sword practice with a partner
Kunoichi - Female Ninja
Kusari fundo - Short Weighted Chain
Kusari gama - Chain and Sickle
Kuzushi - Breal opponents balance

Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho - Philosophy

Kyoketsu - Cord and dagger

Kyoman - Observation
Kyu - Grade below blackbelt
Kyusho - Pressure points
Mae Gaeshi - Front Roll
Maki - Winding
Makimono - Scrolls
Matte - Wait
Mawashi - Rotate
Mawashi Geri - Round Kick
Meiso - Meditation
Meijin - Master
Metsubushi - Blinding Powder
Meysubushi - Distraction
Men Uchi - Strike to the head
Menkyo - Teacing certificate
Migi - Right
Mizu - Water
Mokuso- Meditate
Morote - Both hands
Mute - No hands
Muto Dori - Unarmed defense against a sword
Nagare - to flow
Nage - Throw
Nagashi - Flow
Naginata - Halbred
Naname - Diagonal direction
Neko te - Finger tip weapons (worn by Konoichi)
Nin - Endurance or Stealth
Ninpo - higher order of Ninjutsu
Nuki Ashi - Sweeping step
Ninki - Specialised ninja tools
Obi - Belt
Odashi - Long Sword
Omote - Outside
Oni - Devil
Oni Gedaki - Crushing The Little Devil
Osae - Press down
Oshigiri - Push cut used with sword
Osoto gake - Great outside hook
Oten - Cartwheel
Randori - Sparring
Rei - Bow
Ryote - Tow hands
Ryomune dori - Two handed chest grab
Ryu - Scool or Dragon
Sakki - Intuition of attack
Saya - Scabbard
Satori - Enlightenment
Seishin Teki Kyoyo - Spiritual Refinement
Seiza - Kneeling
Sempai - Senior student
Sensei - Teacher
Shaken - Throwing stars
Shako Ken - Claw Strike
Shi - Finger
Shihan - Senior Instructor
Shikko - Walking on knees
Shikan Ken - Extended Knuckle Fist
Shikomi Zue - Sword Cane
Shin - Heart
Shinai - Bamboo Sword
Shinken gata - Real combat training
Shinobi - Stealth
Shinobi aruki - Ninja walking
Shinpi - Mysticism
Shishin Ken - Finger Strike
Shitan Ken - Thumb Pressure
Shito Ken - Thumb Strike
Shizen Ken - Natural or Body Weapon
Shomen - Front
Shoten no jutsu - Tree Climbing
Shuki Ken - Elbow Strike
Shurinkenjutsu - Blade throwing
Shuko - Spiked hand
Shuto Ken - Open Hand Strike
Soka Gyaku - Toe Strike
Soke - Grandmaster
Sokki Ken - Knee Strike
Sokuho Kaiten - Side Roll
Sokuho Geri - Side Kick
Sokuho Tobi - Sideways leap
Soku Yako - Heel Strike
Sokugyaku Geri - Toe kick
Sui - Water
Sui Ren - Water Training
Sutemi Nage - Sacrificial throw
Tabi - Traditional footwear
Taihenjutsu - Body Movement
Tai Ken - Total Body Weapon
Taijutsu - Unarmed combat / Skill with the body
Take - Bamboo
Taisabaki - Natural body movements
Taiso - Body Conditioning
Taki Ori - Breaking Bamboo
Tanto - Knife
Tantojutsu - Knife Fighting
Tatami - Straw Mat
Te - Hand
Teki - Enemy
Tenmon - Meteorology
Tesson - Iron war Fan
Tetsubushi - Metal Caltrops
Toamijutsu - Fish Net Skills
Tobi - Leap
Tobi Keri - Leap with Kick
Tori - The one who executes
Tsuba - Handguard on a sword
Tsugi bune - Collapsible boat
Tsuki - Thrust
Uchi Gata - Take down using legs
Uke - The one who receives
Ukemi - Breakfalls
Ura - Inside
Ushiro Gaeshi
Wakizashi - Short Sword
Waza - Technique
Ya - Arrow
Yamabushi - Mountain warrior priest
Yame - Stop
Yari - Spear
Yoi - Ready
Yoko Gaeshi
Yoko Geri - Sideways Kick
Yoko Aruki - Sideways walking
Yoroi - Armour
Yubi - Finger
Yumi - Bow
Zenpo Geri - Forward Kick

©2023 by Okona Ninpo-Taijutsu

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